Is Type 2 Diabetes Reversible?


About 37 million Americans live with diabetes, and up to 95% have Type 2 diabetes. This condition can impact many aspects of your health, especially if your blood sugar levels remain uncontrolled.

At Castle Hills Family Practice, our skilled medical team offers comprehensive management services for all types of diabetes, including Type 2 diabetes and prediabetes.

Our team focuses on keeping your blood sugar levels healthy and, in some cases, can even reverse your Type 2 diabetes condition.

Why you might have Type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes develops when your body can’t produce enough insulin, a hormone that helps convert the sugar you eat into the energy you need to function. You might also have diabetes if your body can’t use the insulin it makes efficiently.

Type 2 diabetes ultimately develops because of insulin resistance, which means your cells don’t respond to insulin like they should, resulting in high blood sugar levels.

Your risk for Type 2 diabetes can increase because of your family history, but many people develop the condition because of unhealthy lifestyle habits like:

  • Obesity
  • Poor diet
  • Excess belly fat
  • Lack of exercise

If not managed properly, Type 2 diabetes can lead to heart disease, diabetic neuropathy (nerve damage), kidney disease, and vision loss.

Strategies to reverse Type 2 diabetes

While there’s no guarantee you can reverse Type 2 diabetes, our Castle Hills Family Practice  team provides resources that support a healthier lifestyle.

Because medications aren’t enough to reverse the condition, you need to be committed to making permanent lifestyle changes that keep your blood sugar levels under control. These changes may include the following:

Weight loss

Losing excess body weight is not only vital for diabetes control, but weight loss can also reduce your risk for heart disease, arthritis, and other chronic conditions.

Our provider recommends nutritious foods you can add to your diet that support healthy weight loss, such as whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, and nonfat dairy products.

Better eating habits

Swapping water for sugary drinks is essential for managing Type 2 diabetes. You should also focus on foods low in calories, sugar, salt, and saturated and trans fats.

It’s key to eat three meals a day. Skipping breakfast or other mealtimes can negatively affect your blood sugar levels.

Getting active

Exercise is essential for both weight loss and maintenance. Staying active also improves your blood circulation and overall health.

Set a goal to exercise with moderate activity for 30 minutes every day. If you’re limited in what you can do physically, our providers recommend exercises you can do to stay healthy.

Quitting smoking

You may not know it, but smoking can increase your risk for Type 2 diabetes by 30-40%. The more cigarettes you smoke, the higher your diabetes risk rises. Plus, smoking makes it more difficult to manage diabetes.

By making these and other fundamental lifestyle changes, you may achieve remission from Type 2 diabetes. Our team can help you keep up with your healthy lifestyle through preventive care exams and ongoing monitoring of your blood sugar levels.

Call the Castle Hills Family Practice office near you in San Antonio, Texas, to schedule a diabetes consultation or book an appointment online today.


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